Classes and Workshops

From Blah to Bliss! 30 Days to a Clear Mind and Body

Experience a clear mind and body with deep nutrition! What you eat directly correlates to the way you feel.  Are you experiencing aches, pains, swollen joints, puffy eyes, runny nose, stomach bloat, skin rashes, overweight or just feeling tired and run down?  These are common symptoms of food sensitivities, allergies, sugar and carb overloads, leaky gut, and possible toxins, fungus and parasites that your body is struggling to deal with while trying to keep your hormones in balance.  Learn how in 30 days of eating whole, clean super nutritious food can transform your body and mind, leaving you with so much more energy and clarity to live your best life ever!

Host Your Own Private Cooking Class with Dinner

Chef Kristina will help you organize a themed cooking class with lunch or dinner for you and your friends at your home.  These events are educational and entertaining!  Have fun chopping, cooking and laughing as you and your friends prepare a healthy gourmet menu together under Kristina's expert guidance.  Afterwards sit down and enjoy the fruit of your labor with a wonderful meal with friends!